Prof Adams is a respiratory and general physician and is currently appointed the Professor of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine and Medical Director at the Adelaide Institute for Sleep Health at Flinders University; and is a Senior Consultant in Respiratory, Sleep and Ventilation Services at Southern Adelaide Local Health Network; He is Board Member and Media spokesperson of the Sleep Health Foundation, the leading advocacy group for sleep health. His translational research focuses on examining the impact of sleep disorders, particularly sleep apnea and insomnia, on health and health services. He leads the NHMRC CRE National Centre for Sleep Health Services Research, which is focused on enhancing sleep disorder management in primary care and is CIA of a NHMRC Partnership Grant trialling new models of care for OSA and insomnia in primary care. Other work involves developing better care for sleep problems in at-risk groups, including people with cancer; fibromyalgia and pain syndromes; diabetes; and mental health conditions.

Robert Adams

Flinders University